Cool Skin Tones: The Best Colors To Wear

Feb 1, 2018


Welcome to Native Kichwa Arts, your ultimate destination for all things related to visual arts and design. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of cool skin tones and explore the best colors that complement and enhance these skin tones. Whether you are an artist, designer, or simply someone who wants to dress stylishly, this guide is packed with expert advice and tips to help you make informed choices. Let's dive in!

Understanding Cool Skin Tones

Before we dive into the best colors to wear for cool skin tones, it's important to understand what cool skin tones are. Cool skin tones typically have undertones that lean towards blue or pink shades. People with cool skin tones often have fair or pale complexions, and their veins appear bluish or purple rather than green. Understanding your skin's undertones is crucial when choosing colors that will flatter and harmonize with your complexion.

The Best Clothing Colors for Cool Skin Tones

1. Blues and Purples

Blues and purples are the go-to colors for cool skin tones. Rich, jewel-toned shades like sapphire blue, royal purple, and lavender can make your skin glow. These colors beautifully complement your cool undertones and create a stunning contrast. Whether you opt for a deep navy blue dress or a lilac blouse, you'll instantly elevate your style.

2. Greens

When it comes to greens, cool skin tones look absolutely stunning in shades like emerald, mint, and teal. These colors provide a refreshing pop while harmonizing with the cool undertones. From a vibrant emerald green sweater to a soft mint green scarf, incorporating greens into your wardrobe will bring out your natural beauty.

3. Pinks

Pinks are a natural choice for cool skin tones as they complement the pink undertones in your complexion. Opt for shades like dusty rose, blush pink, and baby pink to achieve a soft and romantic look. A pink cashmere sweater or a blush pink skirt can add a touch of femininity to your outfits.

4. Grays and Silvers

Cool skin tones also shine in neutral shades like grays and silvers. These colors create a sophisticated and elegant look while giving your skin a luminous glow. From charcoal gray trousers to a silver metallic top, incorporating these shades into your wardrobe will elevate your style.

5. Whites

White is a versatile color that suits individuals with cool skin tones remarkably well. Whether you choose a crisp white shirt, an ivory dress, or an off-white coat, these shades will brighten your complexion and create a timeless and classic look.

Accessorizing for Cool Skin Tones

Choosing the right colors for your accessories can further enhance your cool skin tone. Consider incorporating jewelry, scarves, or handbags in complementary colors to complete your ensemble. For cool skin tones, silver, white gold, and platinum jewelry are excellent choices as they match the cool undertones.


Now that you know the best colors to wear for cool skin tones, you can confidently curate a wardrobe that enhances your unique beauty. Remember, fashion is not about following strict rules, but rather expressing your individuality. Experiment with different colors, embrace your personal style, and let your cool skin tones shine!

At Native Kichwa Arts, we are passionate about providing valuable insights and guidance in the world of visual arts and design. Explore our website for more articles, tips, and inspiration. Elevate your creative journey with us!

Charles Navetta
I always struggle with finding the right colors, so this is super helpful!
Nov 8, 2023
Kristin Viola
Great tips for cool skin!
Oct 17, 2023