Tips from a Stylist: Steaming a Wedding Dress - True Society

Feb 4, 2023


Welcome to Native Kichwa Arts, your ultimate source for arts and entertainment, specifically focusing on visual arts and design. In this article, our talented stylist shares expert tips on steaming a wedding dress, ensuring you achieve a flawless look on your special day.

Why Steaming Matters

Steaming a wedding dress is a crucial step in the preparation process. Whether your dress is brand new or has been stored for a while, it's likely to have some wrinkles or creases. Steaming helps remove these imperfections, allowing the fabric to fall gracefully and showcasing the intricate details of your dress.

Equipment Needed

Before we delve into the steaming process, it's important to gather the necessary equipment. Here's what you'll need:

  • Quality steamer: Invest in a high-quality steamer to ensure efficient and safe steaming. Look for a steamer with adjustable settings and a wide steam head for better coverage.
  • Hanging rack: Find a sturdy hanging rack where you can hang your dress during the steaming process. Make sure it's spacious enough to prevent the dress from touching the floor.
  • Distilled water: Use distilled water in your steamer to avoid mineral deposits that may damage delicate fabrics.
  • Clean white gloves: Wearing clean white gloves while handling your dress prevents oils and dirt from transferring onto the fabric.


Preparing your wedding dress before steaming is essential to achieve the best results. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Find the Perfect Location

Choose a location with enough space and good lighting. A clean, clutter-free room will work best.

Step 2: Lay Out Your Dress

Carefully lay your dress on a clean surface. Gently smooth out any visible wrinkles with your hands.

Step 3: Prepare Your Steamer

Fill your steamer with distilled water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Allow it to heat up to the appropriate temperature.

Step 4: Handle with Care

Wear clean white gloves to handle your dress during the steaming process. This avoids any unwanted marks on the fabric.

Steaming Process

Now that you're prepared, it's time to steam your wedding dress. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Test the Steamer

Before steaming your entire dress, it's crucial to test the steamer on a small, inconspicuous area. This ensures the steamer doesn't cause any damage or discoloration.

Step 2: Start from the Inside

Begin steaming the inside of your dress. Gently hold the steamer about 4-6 inches away from the fabric and move it in a sweeping motion to release the wrinkles. Start from the top and work your way down, focusing on one section at a time.

Step 3: Pay Attention to Delicate Areas

Delicate areas, such as lace, beading, or embroidery, require extra care. Avoid placing the steamer too close to these areas to prevent any damage. You can hold the dress behind the steamer to create a barrier, allowing the steam to penetrate without direct contact.

Step 4: Handle Excess Fabric

If your wedding dress has a long train or layers of fabric, use your free hand to hold up the excess fabric while you steam. This helps prevent the fabric from dragging on the floor and re-creasing during the process.

Step 5: Work on the Outer Layers

After steaming the inside, gently turn your dress and focus on steaming the outer layers. Again, work section by section to ensure all wrinkles are properly eliminated.

Final Touches and Precautions

Once you've finished steaming your wedding dress, follow these final touches and precautions:

Step 1: Let It Settle

Allow your dress to hang freely on a hanger for a few hours so that any remaining wrinkles can naturally fall out. Avoid touching the dress during this period to prevent new wrinkles.

Step 2: Store with Care

When storing your dress, use a breathable garment bag to protect it from dust and light. Ensure the dress is hung in a cool, dry place away from any potential damage.

Step 3: Seek Professional Help

If you're uncertain or uncomfortable with steaming your wedding dress yourself, consider seeking professional help. Experienced wedding dress stylists can offer their expertise and ensure your dress is flawlessly steamed.


Steaming a wedding dress is a vital step in ensuring you look your best on your special day. By following the expert tips provided by Native Kichwa Arts' stylist, you'll be well on your way to achieving a flawless look that enhances the beauty of the dress. Remember to prepare your dress, gather the necessary equipment and take your time during the steaming process. Should you prefer professional assistance, don't hesitate to seek the help of a wedding dress stylist. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, and may your journey be filled with love and joy!

Lydia Knopf
Great advice for bridal perfection! 💍
Nov 8, 2023